Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

Wood-Based Industries need Restructurization

Banjarmasin-The role of wood-based industries in South Kalimantan is decreasing as a result of the lack of raw material. Therefore, the government intend to restructure wood-based industries in South Kalimantan by formulating master plan.

According to the Head of Forestry Service of South Kalimantan Province, Ir H Suhardi Atmoredjo MM, the intention to restructure wood-based industries in South Kalimantan is in the framework of having sustainable development of wood-based industries in cooperation with ITTO.
“ITTO programs focus on the arrangement of macro plan of forestry industry in Indonesia, including in South Kalimantan. Development strategy of forestry industry is arranged in order to realize efficient and strong industries which area also supported by sustainable raw material as well as model industri which is suitable with the need of the market,” he explained yesterday at the coordination meeting of ITTO project at Swiss-Bellhotel Borneo.
Through this program, it is expected that forestry industry in South Kalimantan will be able to get direction on development of wood based industry in the future, and of course it will support the sustainability of the wood-based industry and increase the competition spirit in the long term.
“With this program, local community will directly and indirectly benefit from the improvement of the industry. Community will also be involved in developing community forest,” he added.
Sukendi Johan also stated that he really supports the government effort to create sustainable wood-based industries since nowadays it is very difficult to obtain raw material in South Kalimantan.
“As people who are dealing with this business, we support this program. We do hope that the wood-based industries will improve in the future,” he explained. (sya), Radar Banjarmasin, Friday, 18 July 2008.

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