Kamis, 05 Februari 2009



Banjarbaru, 26 - 27 November 2008

Item 1: Pembukaan
Atas nama Bapak Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Bapak Andi Lukito membuka Lokakarya Penyusunan Draft Master Plan Kelompok Kerja Revitalisasi Industri Kehutanan Kalimantan Selatan. Sesuai dengan SK Gubernur mengenai Pembentukan Tim POKJA, beliau menyambut baik dilaksanakannya kegiatan ini. Beliau berharap Lokakarya ini akan menghasilkan suatu rumusan yang bermanfaat bagi pembangunan kehutanan Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Dijelaskan juga bahwa diawal bulan Nopember, dua tim baik dari Dinas Kehutanan dan ITTO telah melakukan survey ke lapangan untuk kegiatan pencarian data mengenai sumber, industri dan pasar kayu, beliau berharap bahwa semua data yang didapat bisa dikaji untuk penyusunan master plan industri perkayuan. Akhirnya beliau berharap agar semua peserta Lokakarya dapat berperan aktif dalam memberikan masukan atau rekomendasi positif agar master plan industri perkayuan yang dihasilkan nantinya dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk merumuskan strategi dan kebijakan industri demi terciptanya industri perkayuan yang berkelanjutan di Kalimantan Selatan. Beliau mengucapkan selamat berlokakarya kepada seluruh anggota Tim POKJA dan berharap agar lokakarya ini dapat berjalan lancar.
Item 2 : Presentasi Pendahuluan – Latar Belakang Proyek dan Tujuan dilaksanakannya Workshop.
Koordinator proyek, Bapak Ahmad Jauhari, menjelaskan latar belakang dan struktur proyek sebagaimana tercantum dalam dokumen proyek. Hal ini mencakup asal mula, kebijakan sektoral, problem, tujuan, strategy, dan kegiatan untuk dapat mencapai hasil dari proyek. Beliau juga menyebutkan struktur manajemen proyek yang terdiri dari anggota PTC, koordinator proyek dan staff serta national expert. Sehubungan dengan tujuan dilaksanakannya workshop, sesuai dengan usulan Surat Keputusan Gubernur, beliau menjelaskan cakupan pekerjaan yang akan dilaksanakan oleh Tim POKJA.
Item 3 : Presentasi Kerangka Mastar Plan – Bapak Bambang Widiantoro dan Ibu Yani S
Dalam kaitannya dengan pembahasan kerangka master plan, para pembicara membahas mengenai kondisi perkayuan di Indonesia, Regional Kalimantan dan Kal-Sel khususnya. Juga dibahas kaitan antara krisis finansial terhadap industri kayu dan kebutuhan kayu di masa yang akan datang. Stratregi utama untuk pengembangan industri perkayuan di Kal-Sel diusulkan dibagi dalam empat tahapan, tahap konsolidasi dan restrukturisasi (2009-2010); tahap revitalisasi (2011-2015); tahap pertumbuhan (2016-2020); serta tahap stabilisasi (2021-2025). Di samping itu, perlunya langkah nyata berupa pembuatan action plan, verifier dan kriteria indicator pencapaian. Dengan maksud untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai kebijakan dan program konsolidasi/prakondisi, restrukturisasi dan pertumbuhan industri perkayuan. Hal lain yang juga diangkat adalah mengenai tugas pokok dan fungsi pembina industri kayu primer dan lanjutan, tinjauan kondisi bisnis di Indonesia, visi dan misi industri perkayuan di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, pemetaan industri perkayuan di Kal-Sel saat ini serta sasaran dan stratergi utama pengembangan perkayuan di Kal-Sel. Beberapa hal pokok lain yang muncul adalah adanya kemungkinan pembentukan zonasi pasokan dan permintaan kayu mengikuti zonasi KPH bangunan industri skala kecil yang berbasis masyarakat yang dekat dengan sumber kayu – seperti yang telah diusulkan oleh Bapak Ahmad Jauhari selaku Project Coordinator. Tentunya industri skala kecil ini dengan berbagai diversifikasi produk perlu dibina dan didukung baik dalam hal kemampuan ataupun dana oleh pihak profesional.
Item 4 : Temuan di Lapangan pada survey Peluang dan Masalah – Bapak Ahmad Jauhari
Dalam presentasinya Bapak Ahmad Jauhari memaparkan mengenai profil industri perkayuan skala besar dan kecil, pasar kayu dan pendapat masyarakat sekitar hutan jika ada pembangunan industri skala kecil di sekitar hutan. Serta kebijakan pemda kabupaten/kota terhadap pembangunan industri kayu. Data pendukung lainnya adalah berupa koordinat lokasi sasaran dan photo serta hasil wawancara dengan berbagai pihak.
Item 5: Hal-hal penting dalam sesi diskusi dan rekomendasi
Beberapa hal yang dibahas diantaranya:
Sumber Kayu
1 Pembangunan KPH sebagai sumber kayu yang lestari segera direalisasikan.
2 Mempermudah mekanisme atau ditiadakannya RKT khususnya pada IUPHHK HPHTI.
3 Perlunya ditinjau kembali aturan tentang Pemberantasan Illegal Logging Inpres No. 4 / 2005 yang saat ini mengakibatkan terjadinya high cost economy
4 Perlunya ditinjau kembali aturan tentang Inventarisasi Hutan Menyeluruh Berkala (IHMB) terutama pada usaha pembangunan HPHTI.
5 Pemanfaatan kayu yang berasal dari areal kawasan non kehutanan.
6 Ancaman terhadap pengunaan kawasan hutan.
Industri dan Pasar Kayu
Pembangunan Masterplan industri yang berbasis kayu memperhatikan hal-hal, antara lain:
1 Permintaan akan kayu masih tinggi baik pasar lokal maupun internasional (terkecuali keadaan ekonomi saat ini)
2 Aktivasi Pasar lokal dengan memperhatikan inovasi produk dan kelengkapan macam produk seperti yang diinginkan oleh pembeli.
3 Optimasi / promosi lebih gencar pasar international.
4 Orientasi industri pada produk jadi. Baik pada industri skala kecil maupun yang besar.
Untuk mencapai upaya revitalisasi industri perkayuan, aspek legalitas industri merupakan komponen utama.
5 Aktivasi kembali asosiasi perusahaan kayu yang berfungsi untuk membantu pengaturan harga bersama untuk meminimasi persaingan internal yang kurang sehat.
6 Kemungkinan alokasi industri kecil berjalan alami sesuai dengan posisi sumber kayu.
Sehingga diharapkan proses zonasi pasokan dan permintaan kayu yang dalam pertemuan ini diusulkan berbasis KPH dapat terealisasi.
7 Selanjutnya, didalam zonasi tersebut jumlah industri diharapkan dapat diatur agar sesuai dengan kemampuan potensi pasokan kayu yang berdasarkan kemampuan alam.
8 Perlunya dukungan aturan-aturan yang dapat mempercepat teraplikasinya MasterPlan industri perkayuan
9 Tinjauan terhadap aturan2 yang dapat memperlambat implementasi masterplan industri perkayuan yang dibuat.
10 Pemanfaatan teknologi yang berbasis high eficiency power, rendah emisi
11 Penerapan Pola Clustering untuk usaha kecil bidang industri perkayuan skala kecil maupun yang besar.
12 Perlunya upaya pembinaan usaha kecil bidang industri perkayuan sejak dari awal (incubator) dalam hal kualitas SDM untuk berbagai bidang spt finansial, teknis lapangan, dan perencanaan usaha kehutanan.
13 Inventarisasi dan aktivasi sumber pendanaan, seperti BLU Kehutanan, perbankan, Perusahaan (HPH dan HPHTI) sebagai mitra usaha kecil, donatur luar.
14 Dalam hal ini peranan kelembagaan baik kelembagaan pemerintah maupun non pemerintah dalam hal pembinaan teknis maupun pendanaan.
15 Dukungan infrastruktur
16 Semua upaya pembangunan industri perkayuan ini tidak lepas dengan masalah Global warming, seperti pemanfaatan mesin-mesin yang efisien dan efektif (low power, low waste, low emition and high output).
17 Insentif fiskal
Item 6: Penutup
Pertemuan POKJA pertama berakhir pada pukul 18.00. Bapak Andi Lukito selaku wakil dari Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan mengucapkan terimakasih kepada semua peserta yang hadir.

Jumat, 26 September 2008

The development of KPH in Banjar District, South Kalimantan Province

The development of KPH in Banjar District, South Kalimantan Province has been started since 2003. The design of KPH uses the basic data stipulated by Decree of the Minister of Forestry No. 453/Kpts-II/1999 on the determination of forest area and waters in South Kalimantan Province.

A Model of KPH in Banjar Regency of South Kalimantan Province

KPH of Banjar Regency is one of three First KPH Models in Indonesia

This work has been undertaken in collaboration with Forestry Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University, Ministry of Forestry and Forestry Service of South Kalimantan Province.


Map of Wood-Based Industries in South Kalimantan Province

Both legal and illegal wood-based industries had been mapped in the year of 2001 by SCKPFP-EU. There were 642 units of big scale and small scale industries. Now, there are 114 small scale industries and 23 legal big industries left. (Provincial Forestry Office: Profile of South Kalimantan Wood-Based Industries, 2003) and the rest are illegal small scale industries.

The development of KPH in South Kalimantan

The development of KPH in South Kalimantan has been started since 2005. The design of KPH uses the basic data stipulated by Decree of the Minister of Forestry No. 453/Kpts-II/1999 on the determination of forest area and waters in South Kalimantan Province.

This work has been undertaken in collaboration with Forestry Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University, Ministry of Forestry and Forestry Service of South Kalimantan Province.

Kamis, 25 September 2008

The Development of KPH (Forest Mangement Integration)

The Development of KPH (Forest Mangement Integration) in South Kalimantan

As we all know, most of the forest condition either the total area or the quality of the forest have been degraded. The need of land use for other purposes (Agriculture, plantation, residence,etc) is getting intense. Additionally, many people and officials think that unvegetated land in the forest area can be utilised for other non-forest benefits or even, many still do not comprehend what forest area means. Actually, the unvegetated land should be rehabilitated, not for other uses. The remaining area of the forest has been cleared away and as a result the quality is decreasing. The development of KPH is expected to be a program that can sustain the forest area and the quality of the forest itself.

A.Forest Development is a mandate of life and a mandate of law
The fact shows that many people or even Govenrnment officers still do not really understand the role of forest in life. Forest has many functions:
1.Forest as a giant sponge that function to filter the rain water to be clean water; if forest is located along a river, the water of the river will be clean.
2.Forest as the flood control through the increase of infiltration and the decrease of surface flow.
3.Forest can maintain environment cooling rate through the evapotranpiration process.
4.Forest as the factory of O2, this gas is needed by all living creatures around the world.
5.Forest as the absorber of CO2 and carbon hoarder in order to reduce the greenhouse effect (Global warming) in the atmosphere.
6.Forest as an income resource, tourism object and nature reserve.

If we do not want to have our equatorial area in Indonesia to be dessert just like what happened in Africa, all Indonesian people especially all policy makers should understand the function of the forest not only as the source of income but also as life control. If the forest areas are bare, reforestation should be undertaken; replanting by using other kinds of plants is not recommended. Natural disasters that occur in many places are considered natural since we do not pay attention the law that we have stipulated. We can see that almost all watersheds (DAS) do not have enough forests as required by the following rules.
Law No 41 of 1999 on Forestry Chapter 18 verse 2; Government Rule No. 44 of 2004 chapter 33 verse 1; Law No. 26 of 2007 on Spatial Planning chapter 17 verse 5 require that the total area of the forest that should be maintained at least 30 % (thirty percent) of the total area of watershed and or island with a proportional scaterring.

B.The role of KPH in Sustainable Forest Development
Government Rules No. 5 of 2007 chapter 1; KPH is forest mangement area according to its main function and objectives which can be managed efficently and sustainably. The Head of KPH is a leader, some one who has authority and and the one who is responsible in forest management in his or her area.
The development of KPH is a mandate of Law. KPH is the main instrument to reach Sustainable Forest Management
Some main weaknesses to reach Sustainable Forest Management are:
1.The absence of someone who is ready in all management aspects (Weak role of the institution in the sites)
2.The absence of clear boundary which is known and admitted by the community (unclear land status)
3.The absence of management in the sites
4.The management orientation only focuses on certain areas that produce wood

C.Institution of KPH manager
Government Law number 44 of 2004, chapter 32 verse 1. Organizing institution is establised in each Forest Management Unit. The organizing institution is responsible in the implementation of forest management that covers; Management planning; organizing; implementing; controlling and evaluating.
The procedure of the establishment of KPH is explained in Government Rule No 3 of 2008 chapter 8. The Minister stipulated the organizations of KPHP, KPHL, KPHP; The establishment of KPHL and KPHP is undertaken based on the proposal from the local government and technical considerations from the province.

D.Organizational Chart of KPH
Picture 1. The relationship between Forest Resources Spatial Structure and KPH Organization
Picture 2. The scheme of the relationship among KPH organization, organization that obtain benefits as well as Forestry Service.

Further information please contact: mriduan62@gmail.com; mriduan62@yahoos.com; kyirtane@yahoo.com; itto.pd397@gmail.com

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

Highlights of ITTO-PD397 Dissemination

Coordination Meeting of ITTO Project PD 397/06 Rev 3 (I)
“Sustainable Development of the Wood Based Industries in South Kalimantan”
17 July 2008, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

Highlights of the Meeting
Item 1: Participants
Provincial Forestry Service of South Kalimantan, Regional Forestry Services in South Kalimantan Province, BP2HP XI, BPKH V, BPDAS Barito, BPK, BKSDA V, BPTH, Bappeda Kal-Sel, Dinas Perindag Prov., Balitbangda Prov., Biro Ekonomi Sekdaprov, Biro Keuangan Sekdaprov, Forestry Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University, APHI Kal-Sel, APKINDO Kal-Sel, WALHI, Companies in South Kalimantan. There were 85 participants.

Item 2: Opening

The Head of Forestry Service of South Kalimantan Province, Mr. Suhardi Atmoredjo, welcomed all the participants and thanked them for coming to this Coordination Meeting. He reported on this ITTO Project. On behalf of the Governor, he officially opened the meeting. He hoped that this coordination meeting would be able to benefit all stakeholders.

Item 3: Presentation on Project Activities by Project Coordinator ITTO, Mr. Ahmad Jauhari
The Project Coordinator, Mr Ahmad Jauhari, elaborated the project structure and background as stated in the project document. It includes the origin, sectoral policy, problems, objective, strategy, and the acvities to achive the output of the project.

Item 4: Presentation on Road Map of Forestry Industry Revitalization By Dr. Togu Manurung
Mr. Togu Manurung, Chairman of Road Map of Revitalization Forestry Industry Working Team, elaborated the Road map of Forestry Industry Revitalization in Indonesia. He explained on the current condition of raw material, industry and market, strategy and the expected output up to the year of 2020.

Item 5: Presentation on Task Force Establishment – By Dr. Doddy Sukadri
Mr. Doddy Sukadri gave some guidelines on the establishment of Task Force.

Item 6: Discussions and Recommendations
1.Wood-Based Industries in South Kalimantan have some obstacles lately. Some of the obstacles are lack of raw material and “High Economic Cost” to deliver the wood to the industries which are located in the capital city, Banjarmasin.
2.Regarding the establishment of Task Force, it is suggested that there should be a decree from the Governor and it is expected that this team would be able to operate as it should be. It is also suggested that 'police officers' could probably be part of this team.
Regarding the formulation of Master Plan, Forestry Service of South Kalimantan Province is expected to cooperate with Regional Forestry Services and other stakeholders.
3.In term of efficient wood based industry, it is also suggested that the industries could probably utilize other kinds of wood such as rubber wood, coconut tree and other alternatives as well as increase the technology used.
4.KPH (Forest Management Integrity) is also one of the solutions in developing sustainable wood resources. It includes Community Forest (HTR)
5.Clustering Pattern in wood based industries need to be developed.
6.Local Market is expected to be the main target.

Wood-Based Industries need Restructurization

Banjarmasin-The role of wood-based industries in South Kalimantan is decreasing as a result of the lack of raw material. Therefore, the government intend to restructure wood-based industries in South Kalimantan by formulating master plan.

According to the Head of Forestry Service of South Kalimantan Province, Ir H Suhardi Atmoredjo MM, the intention to restructure wood-based industries in South Kalimantan is in the framework of having sustainable development of wood-based industries in cooperation with ITTO.
“ITTO programs focus on the arrangement of macro plan of forestry industry in Indonesia, including in South Kalimantan. Development strategy of forestry industry is arranged in order to realize efficient and strong industries which area also supported by sustainable raw material as well as model industri which is suitable with the need of the market,” he explained yesterday at the coordination meeting of ITTO project at Swiss-Bellhotel Borneo.
Through this program, it is expected that forestry industry in South Kalimantan will be able to get direction on development of wood based industry in the future, and of course it will support the sustainability of the wood-based industry and increase the competition spirit in the long term.
“With this program, local community will directly and indirectly benefit from the improvement of the industry. Community will also be involved in developing community forest,” he added.
Sukendi Johan also stated that he really supports the government effort to create sustainable wood-based industries since nowadays it is very difficult to obtain raw material in South Kalimantan.
“As people who are dealing with this business, we support this program. We do hope that the wood-based industries will improve in the future,” he explained. (sya), Radar Banjarmasin, Friday, 18 July 2008.
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